• Question: How deep in the ocean and how deep can fish live

    Asked by anon-259141 on 22 Sep 2020.
    • Photo: Josh Wolstenholme

      Josh Wolstenholme answered on 22 Sep 2020:

      The deepest part of the ocean is about 11,000 m at the Mariana Trench, East of Japan, that’s deeper than Mount Everest is tall! The deepest living fish found is at about 8,000 m and is the Mariana snailfish.

    • Photo: Emma Thorpe

      Emma Thorpe answered on 22 Sep 2020:

      Most of the fish that live in deep waters look quite strange, they can have very big eyes or be blind due to the low light.👁️ Some have feelers to find prey better. And some have a lot of sharp teeth, as the best food that deep is other fish instead of plankton in shallower water.🐡
