• Question: What do you do in science

    Asked by anon-259165 on 21 Sep 2020.
    • Photo: Josh Wolstenholme

      Josh Wolstenholme answered on 21 Sep 2020:

      I use a mixture of fieldwork and computer modelling to look at how good some natural flood management is at reducing flood risk. Most computer models assume that the river doesn’t change, but rivers are constantly changing! Our model is the first to do a long term study on how effective leaky dams are when you’re modelling sediment. I also work to make maps of different bits of the bioeconomy (farming, waste processing etc) to help people make informed decisions.

      I’ve also been lucky enough to work on retreating glaciers for water resource in Peru, mapping geology and working with drones, for science!

    • Photo: Hazel Jeffery

      Hazel Jeffery answered on 21 Sep 2020:

      I work with a team of scientists that put all their understanding of how the ice, oceans, atmosphere, land, trees, rainfall and more into supercomputers to work out how the climate is changing and what might happen in the future. we will be using these models to work out what we need to do in the future to avoid really serious climate change. My role is to help manage the project, bring people together to share information, and tell the public about what we are doing and what that would mean to people.

    • Photo: Ashleigh Barron

      Ashleigh Barron answered on 21 Sep 2020:

      I am a Physicist but I work in an Engineering company. This means I work on creating products for customers rather than researching new areas of science. I design and develop lasers for products such as range finders. My day can vary but a lot of my time I spend in the lab trying to understand how the laser works and making sure it does what we need it to do in order to be able to work how the customer needs it to. What I find out in the lab I back up with computer modeling so I can see in get an idea of what changing parts/optics will do to the end result. When I’m not working on developing future products I work on current products normally trying to find out whats wrong with lasers that fail tests in the factory, its my job to find out why and fix them and to use that knowledge to make sure you don’t get more that fail like that.

    • Photo: Azarmidokht Gholamipour-Shirazi

      Azarmidokht Gholamipour-Shirazi answered on 22 Sep 2020: last edited 22 Sep 2020 7:07 am

      Usually, I answer questions. I give you a simple example. I ask you this question: What will be the freezing point of water if you add one tablespoon of salt to water? To answer this question, you do a small research, you go to your books or to google and try to find the answer. If nobody has already asked this question, then you need to do the experiment yourself.
      This is basically what a scientist does

    • Photo: Adam Baskerville

      Adam Baskerville answered on 24 Sep 2020:

      I apply quantum physics to chemical systems. To do this I break down the physics of a chemical system into mathematical equations and write computer programs to solve them. This allows us to explain results from experiment but more importantly to predict new physics which experiment has not found yet!
